Backstage app for mac
Backstage app for mac



  • A free first photo and unlimited updates to resume and digital size card.
  • Without representation, there is a $25 annual fee.Īlthough not spending money is always preferable, Casting Networks inc. In order to register for free, you MUST have agency representation. does offer a free account, but there is a catch. With customizable multimedia profiles and access to new jobs posted daily through their Talent casting portal, this casting website is consistently at the forefront of casting solutions.Ĭasting Networks Inc. sought to change all that and became the first system to put the entire casting process online. $95.99/year (or pay monthly for $17.99/month)Īlthough the free membership doesn’t include some of the bells and whistles as the premium, it’s still an effective means of getting your materials seen on one of best casting websites in the industry.Ĭasting Networks Inc.


    Now, if you want further options, you’ll have to upgrade to a higher membership level.

    backstage app for mac


    With Casting Frontier, members can submit to casting calls for commercials, TV shows, feature films as well as print and digital content. The move was revolutionary and helped to make it one of the most revered casting websites for both actors and casting directors. Then in 2006, Casting Frontier launched iSession, a digital platform that permitted casting directors to upload audition materials to their clients. Now back in the old days of Hollywood, acting auditions were grueling for both the casting directors and the actors.Ĭasting directors were pulling their hair out trying to ship audition materials across the country.Īnd the actors themselves were burning through money on high-quality headshots. Now, it is much easier to create script sides when casting:Ĭasting Frontier is often thought of as one the premier innovators of digital casting tools.

  • To print for actors to have a sample scene to perform in an audition.Ĭreating script sides traditionally used to be a hassle, and would require you to search through your script to find out which scenes have which roles, and then you need to specify which pages you wan to print out - all of this eating up valuable time.
  • To print out the pages you will record on a specific shoot day.
  • A script side is very simply a portion of your script.

    backstage app for mac

    One of the things you need to have at your audition is script sides. There are no monthly maintenance fees for Actors Access, but keep in mind, any additional profile elements must be purchased.Īctors Access also offers a service called Showfax, which allows members to browse sides for upcoming projects.A Slate Shot, which is a seven-second video clip of an actor introducing themselves.The ability to upload 2 photos, a resume, and a size card.This includes the ability to upload and maintain headshots, resumes, and reels.Īnd yes, it is free to create an account.

    backstage app for mac

    As it so happens, Actors Access is owned by Breakdown Services Inc, one of the premier breakdown distributors in the industry.īecause of this, Actors Access is one of the best casting websites for both actors and casting directors.Īctors Access offers every service the actor and casting director could want. Actors Access is definitely at the top of the list.

    Backstage app for mac